Our B2B Company Database

The most accurate B2B data coverage on the Irish market

Get started with Ireland’s leading B2B database. Discover lists of verified, up-to-date business information and company contacts all gathered in one place.

Bill Moss Company database

Company search – Target-oriented & Intelligent

The Bill Moss Company Database proudly stands as the largest collection of registered contacts and data in Ireland, encompassing over 150,000 companies and 200,000 contacts across Ireland and the UK. Our comprehensive database holds all the essential information you need to gain a distinct competitive advantage in company search and customer acquisition. 

database services that bill moss data provides for clients in Ireland and the UK
Our numbers

Company Data from Ireland and the UK

Up to date, accurate, and GDPR ready






Discover Data Types

Our Data Categories

From from direct dials to verified email addresses — the Bill Moss Company Database stores and regularly updates all types of information on thousands of Irish businesses and contacts

B2B Company Data

All data at a glance: addresses, contacts, industry, eircode, VAT, companies house & a short company description.

Executive Contacts

Names, job titles, numbers, and email addresses of executives and leadership responsible for business operations. 

Email Addresses

Verified, up-to-date generic or direct email addresses of company contacts within an organisation. 

Phone Numbers

All avaliable phone numbers associated with a company, including business phone numbers and direct lines.  


Discover companies by location, including provinces, county, county details, addresses, and Eircodes. 


All industry information: explore different industry types, sectors, or sort by specific jobs within an industry. 

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B2B Data Tailored to Your Needs

Bill Moss Business Data and Sales Contacts located in Dublin, Ringsend
Data Compliance

Accuracy and compliance you won’t find anywhere else

Bill Moss Data promises complete and accurate data up to the highest data compliance standards.​ We never use data that isn’t compliant with EU regulations and GDPR regulations.

We collect publicly available data from a variety of sources, including social media, website, and tele-verify each business location for use permissions and accuracy.

Our Value

What Makes Our Database Unique

We use AI technologies to search the entire web, from the commercial register to company websites to public reports from editorial sites or social media.

Then our data specialists tele-verify every record individually to make certain that every piece of information we have on our database is correct. 

This combination of both human research and technology ensures much higher accuracy than large scale data companies that qucikly scrape information with no verification. 

Bill Moss Data Bot with Business Data Contacts
Who we work with

Our Partners

Meet some of our partners and clients that we’ve worked with.